Finding your passion, or maybe not.

Last time I touched base with you I introduced you to the blog with a very vague description. Each blog post will continue to expound on the intentions of the blog. This isn't a "one trick pony" blog, but more of a "one stop shop" blog. Maybe more like a 7-11. I will be letting you in on my journey of what I find while I am on my journey to be more and to do more.

Lately I have been listening to a bunch of podcasts that are all about being positive and finding your passion.  I have been watching YouTube videos that are all about inspiration and doing what you love and how to be more and do more. I'm disappointed in what I find. I wanted to be able to post "The Answer" for all to learn from. Yeah, not gonna happen today. But good news, Silver Lining time: let's do it a different way; lets do it by not doing it.

I came across "Stop searching for your passion" by Terri Trespicio at a TEDxKC event YouTube video. Take ten minutes and watch it - - then come back and see how my takeaways compare to yours.

*whistling, twiddling thumbs, doodling on scrap paper...

Ok, glad to see you back.

So, I feel like I connected with Terri on several of her talking points. Let's discuss.

I have been dumped by a job before. I was not ready for it. Not in the least. How 'bout you? What did you do next?

She mentioned college and picking a major. Yeah, I started out as a Vocal Education major and ended up with a degree in Criminal Justice. I don't have a job now that is anywhere near Criminal Justice. How far did you deviate from your initial plan? Are you still trying to figure it out? I know I am still looking to be more and to do more.

"Passion is not a plan, it is a feeling and feelings change." Lightbulb! How many relationships/hobbies/diet trends have you been passionate about that are no longer in your life now?

I have tattoos, so there's that...

"Passion is not a job, a sport, or a hobby. It is the full force of your attention and energy that you give to whatever is right in front of you. And if you're so busy looking for this passion, you could miss opportunities that change your life. You could also miss out on a great love. Because that's what happens when you have tunnel vision, trying to find the one."

Oh, this rings so true! "The One". The love of your life? The job of your dreams? If your distracted by what you think you want (remember trying to choose your major) you may miss out on all of the things that might have been (Queue my brain remembering song lyrics from the 1993 release of a Little Texas song ).

Solve problems. Learn how to apply your abilities to existing issues - Don't reinvent the wheel.

"Be useful, generous." Do it with your heart.

"Where your energy and effort meet someone else's need." This is where the magic happens. 

So, my number one take away (all balled up together) from this video is to keep your Eyes Wide Open. Solve problems, don't create them. Keep a list of things that make you FEEL passion. When your heart rate picks up, when you get butterflies in the pit of your stomach, when you feel scared or unsure, or your palms get sweaty? Those moments?  Those feelings? Write those things down. Review them on a regular basis. Keep them near you. Some random Thursday, you will look at the sheet of paper and it will be clear as day. A beautiful realization of what makes you feel... Just feel! Find the emotions that will guide you down the right path. Negative emotions = the wrong path. Positive emotions = the right path. 

You get the picture. (I hope.)

Please continue to join me on the journey I will be taking - all the wrong turns and dead ends.

Until next time. -J


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